So many homebrew shops provide a great starter kit to help you on your way to brewing some nice basic kit brews. That's just dandy but there might be a few other items you might want to think about on top of your basic package.
Here's my current list of gear:
15 Litre boiling pot with lid
Glass Carboy - lovely but there are plastic alternatives.
Plastic fermenting bucket with airlock
Grain/Hop bags
Syphon tubes
Racking Cane (Basic)
Bottler (basic)
BIG spoon
BIG jug
Brewing belt (for temperature regulation)
Santisation powder
48 - 500 ml bottles with flip off tops
2 5 Gallon plastic barrels (although I'm a bottle convert so not in use)
On the wish list
Bucket fermenter with airlock and bottling tap (little bottler)
1 Litre Jar
4 250 ml Jars with lids
A much better racking cane
Brupak Electic Boiler (Mmm pricey!)
So there's nothing quite like a home brewer taking pictures of his equipment and endlessly going on about it. If you're still reading this post then firstly well done!
Secondly in essence my lessons here are:
Hop and grain bags for extract brewing (your next step from kits) are invaluable
It's worth investing in decent syphon/racking cane - you want this to go smoothly
Buy a BIG pot for the boil - until you get a boiler.
Always have 2 fermenters
What are the jars about I hear you cry. They're for yeast rinsing covered in the R&D posts a little later.
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