Welcome to the New Bravon Brewery Blog
Perhaps I should start by stating what this is not first.
It is not an actual brewery - yet! I have dreams of opening a craft brewery like many homebrewers but I'm a long way off from ever achieving it.
It is not a brewing expert's blog - I am a keen student of the brewing art/science but I wouldn't call myself an expert. There are plenty of them about on other sites and forums. Check out the list of links in this blog to help with your enquiries.
I am not actually starting from scratch - I did start from scratch but that was about a year ago. I've decided to start this blog just before the grand opening of the garage brewery I'm setting up. I'll be posting a little bio of how I got to this point and what I've learnt so far.
So what can you expect from this blog?
Typos! - This is really a personal journal so although I try and keep it in tip top shape there will be typos and spelling mistakes.
Recipes - I'll be putting my recipes and brews here as a log book like all good brewers should! I'll write up my old brews here in the next few days.
Brew guides and tips - So as I've said I'm not expert but I have used the lovely web to help me figure out the basics. I'll share with you any resources I've used so far or discover en-route
Recommended Reading - I'll give you the lowdown on the books I've read and which ones I think are good and bad
Equipment - I've steadily purchased more and more equipment with a very frugal budget. This will give you the details of the good and the bad. I'm no engineer so for home made building stuff look elsewhere. Although this might change....in which case there'll be a new category.
Beer Festivals - My first beer festival is this year. I'll give you a outsiders view of the beer fest!
The Rivals - I like to view all other beers as rivals - it raises my game. I'll be posting any rival beers I have to admit are nice.
Other beer stuff - This is where I'll be putting any beer realted stuff I want to share with you or rant about.
Well that's the intro out the way. Not that hard when I start gassing.... So on to the the potted history.
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